Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Natural Scrolling"

By Default Mac OS X 10.7 uses "Natural Scrolling. E.g. pulling down on your trackpad (touchpad) pulls the page down (scrolls Up) and pushing up pushes the page up (Scrolls Down). Much like your fingers are manipulating an object on the screen.

For me, this works on iOS devices (iPad/iPhone/iPod) because there is no disconnect between my fingers and the display. However, on a Macbook my fingers are disconnected from the page I am viewing, so when I scroll down I expect the page to Scroll down as well.

To change this behavior
1. Open your System Preferences Panel
2. Select the Trackpad option
3. Select the Scroll & Zoom Tab
4. Uncheck the top box, "Scroll direction: natural"
This change makes the scroll work like all other laptop/desktop OSes.

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