Friday, October 14, 2011

Ubuntu 11.10, hate it?

Why is Ubuntu destroying all of my existing functionality and utility in each new Ubuntu release?

1. Synergy is a core requirement for me. I have it setup to run at boot through GDM...but 11.10 changes to LightDM and I see no way to configure lightDM to run synergy for me. So I needed to find a keyboard, attach it to the box I have managed solely via syergy for the last two years, since 9.04 and login manually.

Fix to restore dgm
2. I had to again change from Unity to ubuntu classic after 11.04 I made the same change.
3. The inability to boot for some people is awesome too.
4. Global Menu is shit. In Mac OS X it is okay...but this just doesn't work for me.
I Give up on Ubuntu 11.x, going to re-install with 10.04 LTS and then evaluate other Distros as replacements.


Anonymous said...

Found this on another forum and thought it might help you - all you have to do is open the following file, "/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" and add the following line, "greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc HOST"

Hope it helps.

Craig Lorentzen said...

Thank you Anonymous, this has been invaluable for my Linux installs.